
Matching Aspect Ratio and Orientation

Aspect ratio is the ratio of one dimension of the image to the other.

Common Aspect Ratios
Digital SLR Camera 3:2
Digital Point-and-Shoot Camera 4:3
35mm Film Camera 3:2
Original TV 4:3
Widescreen TV 16:9
Widescreen Motion Picture

1.85:1 or 2.40:1


Orientation can be either Landscape (the width of the image is greater than the height) or Portrait (the height of the image is greater than the width).

When an image is resized to specific pixel dimensions, the aspect ratio or orientation may not match. A website, for example, may require square images of a particular size, while the source images are rectangular.

Some software forces the image to fit, distorting it. ImageBulb does not distort images. You have a variety of options:

Match Inside

The image will be resized to fit inside the target dimensions. If the aspect ratios or orientations do not match, one of the result dimensions will be smaller than the corresponding target dimension.

Match Outside

The image will be resized to fit outside the target dimensions. If the aspect ratios or orientations do not match, one of the result dimensions will be larger than the corresponding target dimension.

Match Width

The image will be resized so that the result width will match the target width. If the aspect ratios or orientations do not match, the result height will be larger or smaller than the target height.

Match Height

The image will be resized so that the result height will match the target height. If the aspect ratios or orientations do not match, the result width will be larger or smaller than the target width.

Match Inside with Fill

The image will be resized to fit inside the target dimensions. If the aspect ratios or orientations do not match, the image will be made to fit the target dimensions by filling the missing area with the specified fill color or slice.

Match Outside with Crop

The image will be resized so that it fits outside the target dimensions. It will then be centered and cropped to match the target dimensions.