Destination Filename
Filename Filter: A Regular Expression to match some portion of the source filename to be used in the destination filename. If Filename Filter contains nothing, the whole source filename will be passed along. See Filename Filter Examples.
Destination Filename:
If nothing is entered here, the destination filename will be the same as the source filename.
If text is entered here, it wil be the destination filename.
The special sequence "<name>" can be entered representing the source filename as filtered by the Filename Filter. Other text can be entered before and after.
The special sequences "<0>" "<00>" "<000>" and "<0000>" can be used to insert an image sequence number of the specified number of digits. Other text can be entered before and after>
If the source filename is "abc", and the Destination Filename Box contains "xx<name>yy", the destination filename will be "xxabcyy".
If the Destination Filename Box contains "Image<000>", the filename of the first image will be "Image001", the second will be "Image002" and so on.